Letter Relief Prints


Nathan’s Year 2/3 class came to the art room today for their printmaking lesson. I hadn’t used neon paper this year so thought that a lesson inspired by Sister Corita Kent could be a way to incorporate this favourite material. I introduced the students to Sister Corita’s work and her philosophies about art before teaching the students how to draw block lettering. The students added patterns to their letters and began printing. While the prints were drying the students created a weaved background for one of their prints. We displayed these prints at the Island Bay Art Auction. The rest of the prints went home with the very happy artists.

Every time I do a printmaking lesson I am affirmed of the value of teaching this medium to students. The art form of printmaking introduces lots of technical terms that the students are eager to use such as brayer, burnishing and pulling the print. Creating prints is immediate gratification and can be repeated again quickly - kids love this! One of my favourite things about creating prints is discussing the notions of failures and imperfections. Not every print is ‘perfect’ but I love talking to the students about finding the beauty in each print and that sometimes the most unexpected results can be your favourite.