Beautiful Bug Catchers


I worked with some of the youngest artists in the school today. I went to Pātangatanga hub to teach Alishah’s class of five year olds. They had already completed their calendar art earlier this term so today we spent our time together having some fun with drawing and painting.


To start the day we read Bizz Buzz Boss by Natalie McKinnon and illustrated by Margaret Tolland. We are so lucky to have Margaret as our Artist in Residence at our school this term. She has been creating gorgeous drawings, paintings, prints and sculptures with our students which are based on New Zealand flora and fauna Check out this post for more information about Margaret.


After reading Bizz Buzz Boss the students drew bug catching jars with sticks, stones, leaves and grass inside. They covered the jars with a wash of tempera paint in cool colours.


While the bug catchers were drying the students drew observational drawings of insects using models that we borrowed from Margaret. The students looked closely at the insects to identify the antennae, legs, head, thorax, abdomen. They looked for lines and patterns to add detail to their drawings. I think they did a fantastic job of drawing the insects.


Next the students had a lot of fun with finger-painting. They practiced different ways of making insects with finger prints on small pieces of paper before adding the insects to their bug catching jars. To finish the insects the students used black marker to add details such as legs, antennae and patterns. I mounted the finished artworks onto ‘shelves.’ I think the bug catcher jars will look gorgeous on the wall in the Pātangatanga hub.